For the last couple of days, every time I get on the bus, I whip out Michael Pollan's "Food Rules". This handy little guidebook gives 64 "rules" to eating. A lot of them are really resonating with me right now. The book encourages people to eat more simply and not be bought by the food and media companies. There are some great rules like "If it came from a plant, eat it. If it's made in a plant, don't!" Or, "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead." And, "don't eat anything with ingredients that a third grader can't pronounce."
Pollan spends a large part of his introduction talking about how the more "scientific" our eating has become, the more disease we, as Americans, actually have. It's amazing to me that people are undernourished all over the world and yet tens of thousands of new "edible media" products are produced every year in this country. Pollan boils his food philosophy down to seven little words: "Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants."
These words are exactly what I needed to hear after 19 days of no pre-packaged foods and small portions!
Daily Meals ~
Breakfast ~ steel cut oats with a banana!!! Coffee (Ryan)
Lunch ~ Chickpeas and rice
Dinner ~ Rice
Daily Totals ~ $1.87
Just a little bit of food for thought...
Love this project/concept and of course very keen to soak up your insights as you push forward. Big hugs, positive vibes and much love to you and Ryan from Australia!