Once we began the dollar a day diet we started noticing a reticence to spend money at all! Naturally, I am paying our bills, but for the last twelve days I think Ryan and I have spent a total of $5.20 outside of our bills and our food. We find ourselves in stores planning to buy something and then we just put it back on the shelf. There's something about spending so little in one area of life that transposes to the other areas. It seems outrageous to think of spending $25 on an item in the store when we realize that we could eat for almost a month on that amount of money! For this, I am thankful because it is yet another reminder of the money we spend mindlessly on things that perhaps we don't really need. It is encouraging me to be more conscious in other areas and reuse, remake, and reprocess things rather then casting them off and buying new. My mama always quoted, "I'm trying to make a dollar out of 57 cents!" This has been running around in my head especially the last few days. In so many instances, you can make a dollar out of 57 cents. I'm encouraged to continue this austere lifestyle and looking forward to each new revelation.
Today's diet includes:
Breakfast ~ steel cut oats with a few raisins and green tea
Lunch ~ sweet potato and bean soup with a sprout salad
Snack ~ Apple Cider Vinegar "cocktail"
Dinner ~ Brown Rice with Tamari
Totals ~ $1.93
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